My Corner of the World This Week
North Korea has agreed to six-party talks regarding its recent inclusion into the nuclear club. In this blogger’s opinion, China had a great deal of influence on the DPRK. North Korea may not have yielded to their political pressure in response to the first test; the temptation to possess such weapons was clearly too great for anyone to dictate terms to Pyongyang. But now, facing addtional economic and China-backed UN sanctions, we are beginning to see some signs of waning.
Apparently all names of the entrants to the Hiroshima Peace Marathon were published in the newspaper. I may be wrong, but I think I’m the only foreigner running this year (or at least one of the few).
The deadline for the Miyajima Cross Country race is Monday, November 6th. You can register online or through the mail. As of yet I haven’t found the proper mailing address. This 10K should prove to be a beautiful autumn run.
The Hiroshima International Peace Summit 2006 is now underway in our fair city of peace. Such a gathering has even brought the Dalai Lama into Japan to speak.
I have finally discovered the name of the law that is effectively shutting down the nightlife in Hiroshima: the Public Morals Law. This law requires that all clubs do not allow concurrent drinking and dancing between 1:00 and 5:00 AM.
Nightlife in Tokyo
GetHiroshima Information
Japan Times Article
Me? Trying to memorize the lyrics to "Music of the Night" for a girl, keeping up my Japanese studies, and searching for pictures from the weekend Halloween bash. A friendly acquaintance of mine is leaving Hiroshima this week to return to the old country. I need to get out more. Later.