今から! The General Union is calling on Nova teachers to participate in a strike today, October 16th.
Situation at Nova
As many of you know, Nova is on the verge of bankruptcy and is likely already insolvent, burdened with massive liabilities from terminated and ongoing student contracts, and little assets since most properties are rented. Administrative staff were not paid on their most recent payday of Sept. 27 and have yet to be paid. Management has already said that teachers’ salaries will not be paid on Oct. 15 (tomorrow) and may be paid by Friday, Oct. 19. The situation for thousands of foreign and Japanese employees around the country is serious. In addition to unpaid wages, some are being kicked out of their housing, others are having visa problems.
Meanwhile, President Nozomu Sahashi is nowhere to be found and refuses to file to the court for bankruptcy protection. Such a filing would aid all employees to retrieve 80% of their unpaid waves through government subsidies and to start to receive unemployment benefits (’for those who have been employed long enough). The company is falling apart without Sahashi filing properly, the worst possible of situations, making it far more difficult and time-consuming to get our wages paid and onto the dole, etc.
Union’s Plan of Action
Only public pressure (or shame) will push Sahashi to do the right thing and file properly. We plan
1) to hold a massive strike ON TUESDAY of all members. (Initially we planned it for tomorrow but CHANGED TO TUESDAY to co-ordinate with General Union in Osaka)
2) to file a petition at the Shinjuku Labor Standards Office to prosecute Sahashi for criminal failure to pay wages as is stipulated in Labor Standards Law
3) to protest outside the LSO in front of the media to demand such a prosecution
4) to hold a press conference to explain the union’s position on the current situation
These actions are being coordinated with out sister union, General Union, in Osaka. It is crucial that all members go on strike on Tuesday and meet at the following times and places:
Schedule of Events
Monday Oct 15: We will fax document to Nova management notifying them that all members will strike for the entire day Tuesday.
Tuesday 11 am: Meet at South Exit of Okubo Station on the Sohbu Line
We will then walk to the Shinjuku LSO at 11:15pm
11:30pm We will say a few words to the press and then enter the LSO with our petition to prosecute Pres. Sahashi.
12:00pm-12:30pm We will demonstrate outside LSO in front of press
12:30-13:00pm We will hold a brief press conference
13:15pm to 14:00pm We will hold a union meeting back at the union office to decide our next collective move.
Again, remember all members must strike on Tuesday since we will be notifying management that way. Since we have many new members, we can decide tomorrow what future actions to take. But it is crucial that we act as a union tomorrow, particularly when there will be press attention.